This was made with Blender right? it is really impressive :D!
This was made with Blender right? it is really impressive :D!
its just picocad and unity lululul
La otra vez te pregunté en Twitter que software usabas para dibujar(no respondiste), supongo que usabas Flash animator Xd, tremendo trabajo broder, cuidate
thank uuu, no le doy bola a twitter y ni me molesto en ver las notificaciones, perdón por no haber respondido en ese entonces.
para dibujar uso clip studio paint!!
Can i use it for a video? I will give you credits! if you dont want, there are no problem
good work anyway
as long as you give credit you can use it wherever you want
Nu metal fan :3
Age 24, Male
Joined on 4/14/19