Ok... i really tried to complete the tutorial at least,but i couldn't, the 'rythm bars' doesn't feel intuitive acording to the arrow keys buttons, for example:
The Red Punch button(Left one) is for attack but it works when a bar yellow rythm is hited
Altough The Green Shield button(Arrow pointing Down ) it only works when a bar red rythm is hitted. See what i mean? it is not really intuitive... (Or simply rythm games are not for me i guess)
but the the artstyle is great, the voice acting it is really particular where you could hear the voices they are intellegible (Something like the animal crossing voices i guess(I don't know what else game i could compare it to explain but i hope it would be comprenhensible what i'm trying to say(Or they actually speaking a language??)))
I hope you can take something good with my review i'm trying to with a constructive criticism where you could think and solve those problems.. only if you feel it is necessary and you feel if i'm right, i ain't obligating you, you don't have to consider my words, but well, that's all i have to say, succes in your game development